Personality Quiz

Does anyone else spend countless hours online doing personality tests? Or some sort of test which tells you which character, animal, disney princess you are most like? And like me, who fudges their answers to get told that they are the best human to ever exist, which then results in me wondering why no one else besides this robotic machine has realised that I am the perfect amount of everything and really, should be called a demigod or at least receive a phone call from the Queen to congratulate me on being so damn good.

But recently I wonder..why do I feel the need to slightly fabricate the truth from myself, or why do these quizzes at all. What part of me needs to know so badly whether I am Cinderella or Sleeping beauty?

I know I am a good person, I have my moments don’t get me wrong but why do I feel the need to mask these from others. Why am I so bothered if someone knows that I can be a crank, that I do hit the roof when I come home and tea isn’t ready as I think I will waste away (issues I know). But these things don’t make me a bad person they make me human, right?

I have spent my life being so concerned about what others think of me I have dragged myself down a life path which wasn’t intended for me. For what? So I feel accepted by others? To get a pat on the back from those who really don’t care about me, but have been impressed for a whole 5 seconds that I have a nice house, car, job? All of which stresses me out so much I can eat 5 crispy creme donuts in one sitting then moan that my weight gain has come from no where?!?! 

Deciding to address who I truly am as a person has brought me more clarity and direction than all the silly quizzes. I have learnt I am “quirky” and slightly weird yes I will admit, but I am a confident, beautiful person who finds herself hilarious and wants to make others see they are just as beautiful and wonderful to.

I am still learning about who I am as a person, whether that be good and bad. But now my real question is, who are you? 

Author: corinnejoanne

Nothing more than an average person who wants to put a bit of honesty back in to the World.

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